Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In the Works!

Here's just a hint of what I've been working on. I love this fabric and adore the trim! I can't wait to finish it and see it in its final form.

We're deep into the fall show season, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a lot of handbag construction going on in between shows. There are three of us sewing on them so that we are stocked full for the next show. The first place to see all our new handbags is at the Junior League Holiday Shows in Lexington, KY, Nashville, TN and Waco, TX. We had a booth at the shows in Nashville and Waco last year and we hope people will come back to visit us this year. The Nashville show is held in an old factory that has been converted to shops, restaurants and the display halls. It is a really interesting place and I can't wait to go back and visit a smocking store that I found last year.

Cheri has been working on some beautiful new jewelry pieces using the stones she was able to find at a recent gem show. Her work just gets better and better.

I have made a vow to be better about posting and to take pictures to share with you what's going on at Silver Pansy Designs. Posted by Picasa